Planning and Development Services
The MMSA provides a full range of community planning services to member municipalities, the region, the business community and the public.
Municipal Development Plan (MDP)
A municipal development plan (MDP) is a statutory plan adopted by a municipal council to provide direction as to the future land use within the municipality. The MDP identifies essential community infrastructure, environmental, economic and social matters, and relevant development constraints. All MDPs will have to be consistent with the Regional Plans of the Provincial Land Use Framework, once those are completed.
Land Use Bylaw (LUB)
A land use bylaw regulates the use and development of land and buildings in a municipality to ensure the compatibility and overall logic of development. In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, all municipalities must have a land use bylaw, adopted by council. The land use bylaw should be consistent with the municipality’s municipal development plan.
Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP)
An intermunicipal development plan is a statutory plan adopted by two or more councils which provides direction for the future development of the lands of mutual importance. An IDP can provide direction on any matter relating to the physical, social or economic development that the Councils consider necessary. All IDPs will have to be consistent with the Regional Plans of the Provincial Land Use Framework, once those are completed.
Area Structure Plan (ASP)
An area structure plan provides a framework for the subsequent subdivision and development of an area of land, describing the land uses for the proposed area, the sequence of the development, the resulting population, and requirements for infrastructure. Area structure plans must be consistent with the municipal development plan. Area structure plans are unique in that they are often undertaken by a private developer, rather than the municipality.
Area Redevelopment Plan
An area redevelopment plan provides a framework for the redevelopment of an area of land, describing the land uses for the proposed area, the sequence of the development, the resulting population, and requirements for infrastructure. Area redevelopment plans must be consistent with the municipal development plan.
Current Planning
MMSA planners work closely with member municipalities to respond to the day-to-day planning department workload. This includes providing advice to the municipality’s development officer to assist in development permit decisions. Planners also assist by reviewing and conducting necessary research to effectively evaluate and provide recommendations to the municipality regarding area structure plans, subdivision applications, and applications to amend statutory plans, including the municipality’s LUB and MDP.
Reports and Studies
MMSA planners provide policy research and strategic plans to address a number of municipal issues. The resulting reports and studies assist in developing a successful municipal approach to a particular issue and developing municipal policy.
Regional Co-operative Services
MMSA provides annual education seminars to the regions municipalities, addressing a municipal topic of importance to the region and municipal operations.
Changes to the Municipal Government Act and other relevant provincial legislation have impacts on member municipalities. MMSA planners work to remain current in their understanding of the legislative framework, communicate key changes to the municipalities, and ensure that the local municipal planning framework is consistent with provincial legislation.
MMSA planners provide policy research to address regional issues. The resulting reports assist in developing successful regional and municipal approaches to a particular issue, coordinating between municipalities and developing municipal policy.
Community Design
Community design addresses how a building or site is developed, complementing the direction provided by statutory plans as what and where development occurs.